Thought Control And What You Should Know About It

A victim of mind control does not even know they are a victim. Read more about manipulation in this article!
Thought control and what you should know about it

You may think you know how mind control works, but it’s not always the way it is portrayed in movies. Have you ever felt that you were exploited at work? Sometimes you give more than you receive. You are not alone.

Many people are aware of this, but choose to remain silent about it. You are afraid of losing what you have, and the fear is stronger than anything else. This is a form of mind control.

The same applies to differences. Poor people accept systems that make the poor and the rich richer. In the same way, women have fewer opportunities in patriarchal societies.

This may make you ask yourself why people find themselves in this. One possible answer is thought control.

Thought control can be about the monthly salary, obligations or the rules you must follow. When someone controls your mind, you stop asking questions about why you put so much work in exchange for such a miserable salary. You think you’re free, but you are not.

Persons controlled.

Thought control

Thought control is about consensus or an illusion of it. It’s about getting everyone to agree on something. Obviously, you do not support anything for the same reason that other people do. Some may agree on something because they do not have a choice, or because they feel they cannot disagree. Others think it’s the best idea or just do not think through things. Maybe it’s due to psychological internalization.

There are psychological and physiological techniques for mind control. Psychological techniques seek to distract you from the disadvantages, oppression and discrimination you may be under to convince you of certain things. On the other hand, physiological techniques seek to manipulate your mind using technology.

Physiological techniques work when psychological does not. When someone does not believe in an idea, physiological tricks are used to make people end up accepting it, even if they do not believe in it.

thought control

The psychological aspect of thought control

How can you get someone to accept something that is bad for them? By transforming boredom and frustration into aggression. This aggression, in turn, is channeled in support of militarism.

An example can be found in the great support the US interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan received. Another mechanism is to transform non-conformity into consumerism or to strengthen religious values. Both promote submissive personalities who believe in higher authorities and in the existing social and economic order.

This promotes submissive personalities who believe in their superiors and in the existing economic and social status quo.

These factors are also exacerbated by the fear of freedom. Cultivated by education, traditions, norms and current values. The mass media can also not be underestimated, which reinforces the psychological effect of using certain techniques as a “news bombardment”, which blocks out reflective criticism.

One of the most effective types of mind control is fear itself. Combined with ignorance, it can release feelings of panic and insecurity, leading to people making more risky decisions.

Illustration of manipulation of the mind.

The physiological aspect

This aspect is related to the brain’s response to electromagnetic waves. Your brain has different frequencies that relate to different states of consciousness. Thus we find the waves corresponding to deep sleep and coma; theta waves corresponding to normal sleep; alpha waves, corresponding to a relaxed awake state; and finally beta waves, which are associated with a fully awake state.

Electronic devices can change these waves by encouraging our brains to enter different states. It is clear that we will not end up in a coma due to the waves of the phone, but these waves, together with the saturation of stimuli that the mobile phone provides, can make us maintain a completely awake state, even when we want to sleep. Similarly, there are devices that can generate sensory disorientation and be used in mass control.

By combining both aspects of thought control and other uncommented aspects, control of people can be achieved by having them internalize an ideology. These forms of control are modern day slavery. You can combat thought control by promoting critical thinking and educating yourself.

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