Three Stories Of Failure That Will Inspire You

In today’s article you will read about three wonderful stories of failure that will definitely inspire you to persevere. Read on!
Three stories of failure that will inspire you

Today, people say that a problem is a possibility, and that failure is the beginning of a triumph. In fact, we hear it so much that we barely pay attention to the meaning. We often forget the great truth that surrounds these affirmations. As proof of this, there are many stories of failure that later became an inspiration.

Triumph and failure are in fact fleeting moments. What really matters is the process, both internal and external. This exciting pursuit of something new triggers changes in us that we must take advantage of. Remember that people are malleable. We all experience our own individual process where we grow and move on.

Sometimes the difference between a failure and a victory is perseverance. The problem is that some mistakes can make us feel hopeless. Therefore, it is not only exciting to read stories of failure, but it makes us feel hope, as they teach us that other chances are possible.

Below we will share three inspiring stories of failure. Enjoy them!

1. Abraham Lincoln: A Persistent Man

Abraham Lincoln is perhaps the most important historical figure in the United States because he abolished slavery. He was President of the United States twice. During his presidency, the American Civil War began, which resulted in the final unification of American territory.

We could not talk about inspiring stories of failure without mentioning Lincoln. Although he experienced tough times, he succeeded. He was born into a very poor family and had to work since he was seven years old to support the family. His mother died when he was only nine years old. Lincoln did not get the chance to go to school, but he taught himself everything he needed to know to become a lawyer.

A portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

However, his political career was not exactly what you would call “successful”. Several times he was defeated in his ambitions to be elected. He also went bankrupt when he was 24 years old and spent the next 17 years of his life paying off debts. His fiancĂ© died suddenly, which led to a nervous breakdown. Thanks to his enormous will, he was able to continue fighting until he finally became a decisive figure in the history of his country and the history of the world.

2. Arianna Huffington: Inspirational stories of failure

Arianna Huffington was born in Athens, Greece, in 1950. Her parents’ separation definitely left its mark on her during her childhood. She studied economics at Girton College, Cambridge, where she excelled in leadership. She later moved to the United States, where she married a congressman. The end of her marriage marked a before and after in her life.

At that time, she decided to write a book, which was rejected by 26 editors. As a consequence, Arianna worked tirelessly to project her work and thus get a better position. As a result, she collapsed. In 2007, she fainted due to chronic fatigue. This made her reconsider what she was doing.

She decided to do what she liked best and do it without putting too much pressure on herself to succeed. She started a blog, which years later became a communication empire: HuffPost. At present, many consider her one of the most influential women in the world. This is one of the biggest and most inspiring among our stories of failure.

3. Frank McCourt: From Homeless to Celebrity

Frank McCourt is the author of the famous novel Angela’s Ashes. It became so famous that Alan Parker directed a film version of it, which premiered in 1999. This work is an autobiographical play, in which McCourt tells of the overwhelming mishaps he has endured. To sum up , his family experienced only misery. His father was an alcoholic who left him and his brothers.

Frank McCourt's life is one of the most inspiring stories of failure.

In fact, some of his siblings died because of the difficult circumstances they faced every day. They lived in precarious conditions; they had only a latrine and practically nothing to eat. Frank had to start working at a very young age, while at the same time going to school. He did not even have shoes to wear. He also contracted typhus and almost died.

As a 19-year-old, and after careful saving, thanks to his work as a postman, he achieved his lifelong dream: to return to the United States where he was originally from. There he became a great writer. His most famous work, Angela’s Ashes, won him the Pulitzer Prize in 1999.

These are just a few incredibly inspiring stories of failure. As you can see, endurance is the common denominator in all of them. Those who work hard and do not give up when an obstacle gets in the way are those who end up flourishing.

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