Three Ways To Overcome Fear Of Birds

Fear of birds can complicate your daily life. Today’s article will focus on a series of self-help exercises to solve this problem.
Three ways to overcome fear of birds

Ornithophobia, fear of birds, is an irrational reaction that can affect the lives of those affected by it. These people intensely reject these animals. But as with most phobias, they can overcome it through a series of exercises.

You have to make an effort and be constant to confront fear. This is because it is a complex and fragile process. However, phobias require a lot more work, they are anxiety disorders that can seriously affect a person’s daily life. Thus, the best way to overcome them is to seek professional help.

How to overcome fear of birds

Traumatic experiences are usually the source of fear and phobias, as are ignorance and learned behavior. Thus, the goal of phobia interventions is to generate a positive or neutral experience with the object you fear.

The psychological techniques use different strategies. One of them involves learning more about the animal and demystifying it in order to acquire new emotions. This means that you must contact the object of your fear in a relaxed way. You can do these exercises autonomously and in your spare time. However, it is best to have guidance and professional knowledge from a psychologist when the fear is very intense.

Such exercises can be helpful in overcoming fear of birds, as long as you have previously analyzed whether you can do it alone or need psychological help.

A scared woman.

1. Learn about birds

Find out about birds, especially those that scare you the most. Learning about the birds’ behavior, survival strategies and role in nature can reduce your fears.

You can start by reading information about harmless birds. Being aware of the conditions in which one of these species is more likely to attack will definitely make you feel more in control. It is also helpful to know the surroundings and the circumstances under which they will be willing to approach a human being.

This knowledge will help you think about birds from a different perspective and focus on the positive aspects. Learning more about them will cause you to break down any myths you may have about them. Just like the fact that house spiders cannot pierce human skin and would rather run away from a human than confront us.

2. Get in touch little by little

Make a list of ways you can interact with birds. Write down ten things you are afraid of when it comes to them. Number one should indicate what you are least worried about, such as a drawing of a bird, and 10 what really scares you, such as a bird in your field of vision.

You need to gradually get in touch with these elements. Therefore, plan and follow a schedule, and notice how much time you want to spend each day and how long it lasts. You should also try to get in touch with the same stimulus several times until your anxiety level drops. To do this, rate your anxiety level on a scale of 1 to 10 and repeat it with each item.

Then you can move on to more unpleasant stimuli or move on to the next item if you score lower than five after several attempts. You need to stick to the same element if your anxiety level increases. Do it until it drops, and move on to the next item on your list. In this connection, it is important to practice relaxation exercises. Do them while trying to cope with the object of your fear if you can.

You may need to seek psychological help if your anxiety does not subside or if you are unable to recover after trying for a while. Follow the recommendations above for your anxiety level until you reach number 10 and if you feel strong enough to continue.

3. Enjoy the approach

You have probably already approached a kind of bird under contact with simple stimuli when you get to the 10th element. Once there, you have reached the most important step in overcoming the fear of birds. Now is the time to replace the negative emotions with the positive ones and try to get closer to one of these animals. Stay calm and try not to run away.

Stay close to the bird, but keep some distance. Go a little closer if your anxiety level allows it. After learning about birds, you will probably be able to identify the species and realize that you are safe. In addition to this step, you may want to visit a bird sanctuary where you can watch the birds.

When you are near an animal, take the opportunity to look at them and analyze the body, colors and above all the behavior. You will probably realize that nothing bad happens when you are around birds. In fact, they will probably be afraid of you and not even get close to you. Therefore, try to avoid sudden movements and have a relaxed attitude. It may seem a bit distant, but talking to the animals can make you feel more comfortable and perceive them as friendlier.

A bird.

Analyze fear of birds

You can overcome the fear of birds by doing the exercises above. Nevertheless, the most important thing is that you are aware of your limits and do not try to reach beyond them. Go aside for as long as you need if you feel uncomfortable at any time. Consider professional help as the next step.

However, you can always overcome fear on your own, and this is good because it will strengthen your self-esteem and make you feel safer. Thus, you will be stronger and able to control not only this fear, but everyone else.

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