Walking Makes Me Less Worried

Walking makes me less worried

Walking is one of the best things you can do to improve your mood. Taking slow, fast, soft, hard, stiff and agile steps has helped me ease my anxiety and soothe my heart.

Walking has eased my burdens, my emotions, and my thoughts. It has made me less anxious and freed me from sleepless nights. Walking can make you healthier, both cognitively and emotionally.

Why? There are many reasons, but the most important is that it forces you to save a part of your soul just for yourself. We often forget to do this and it creates problems on many different levels.

Feet and butterflies

When you feel overwhelmed and stressed, go for a walk!

When you feel overwhelmed and stressed; go for a walk! It is not only an ingredient in a recipe for happiness, but it is also something that makes life sweeter. Think that something so very simple can help you solve your problems and reorganize your mental desk.

This goes hand in hand with the simple factors that determine one’s emotional and cognitive state. While your behavior is the visible peak of the iceberg, it is the one you are based on the interaction between thoughts, feelings and behavior.

If you stay active, your brain will activate alternative thoughts and calm emotions that will otherwise destroy your ability to confront your problems. If you start right away, you will soon be able to see some very positive results.

To be clear; never forget that all behavior determines and is determined by thoughts and feelings. These three pillars exist simultaneously and next to each other like the gears of a clock.

Did you know that you can meditate while walking?

Jon Kabat-Zinn , the  father of “mindfulness” in the West, suggested that an easy way to raise your awareness is to meditate while walking. This is, among other things, about turning your attention to the experience of walking, while walking.

It’s not really about anything other than that you go for a walk and know you’re going. It is important to point out that this does not mean that you should look at your feet. When you try to do this you will realize that nothing is as easy as it seems.

It is unusual to go for a walk just to go for a walk. We usually go because we want to go from one place to another, which means that the body is just a means of transport for the brain.

As Kabat-Zinn so elegantly put it in his book,  Full Catastrophe Living :

The body is really the driver of the mind that willingly (or reluctantly) transports it and does as it pleases. If the mind is busy, the body is stressed. If the brain is attracted to something or finds something interesting, then the head turns and the body may change direction or even stop. All sorts of thoughts flood through your brain as you walk, just like when you sit still and breathe. As a rule, all this happens without us being aware that it is happening.

How to combine meditation with physical activity

The process of meditating while walking involves:

  • Make an effort to notice when your foot comes in contact with the ground, when your weight is placed on the foot and when the other foot is lifted and moved forward, and when it comes down and in contact with the ground again.
  • If the brain wanders away from your feet or legs, or from the experience of how your body moves, then it is only to calmly return consciousness to the point where it relaxed.
  • You do not have to look at your feet because they already know how to walk. In the beginning, it may be a good idea to avoid looking at your surroundings as this can easily cause your mind to wander and thus disrupt the meditation process. Remember that it’s all about experiencing the activity you are performing.
  • When you have managed to increase your capacity so that you can go with the attention fully focused on the feet and legs then you can slowly expand the focus to the rest of the body. As if you are a unit that moves through time and space. This will make it easier for your brain to relax, and since it has nowhere to go, there is also nothing that can distract it.
Woman is out for a walk

 Walking helps you clear your mind

Walking, with or without meditation, will help you clear your brain and overcome the experiences and anxiety that often occur when the path we take is full of obstacles (we all know that life can often be that way).

At any time is the perfect moment to take the pleasure of walking through a place that suits your needs. People who do this know that after a long walk, moving to the rhythm of life is much easier and much more satisfying.

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