When Things Come When You Stop Looking

When things come when you stop looking

Some call it a magical moment, when things “click”.  Those are the times when what we dreamed of, looked for or waited so impatiently for, suddenly happened out of nowhere. That’s when things come because you stopped looking.

It hugs you in its warm arms as you walk around the corner or it pops up in your email one day… Just when you had stopped looking, fate gave you an unexpected gift.

The world is unpredictable and sometimes chaotic. It feels like a maze with no exit. And in fact, there are many more of these magical moments than we realize.

Some associate these events with the very attractive “science” of luck. But true experts on the subject know the truth about these “random” events. When our dreams come true, the magic wand of opportunity touches us. Behind these moments there is a little science and a lot of psychology…

An example is found in a very interesting book. In ” The Medici Effect “, Frans Johansson explains how it is sometimes not enough to be a total expert in a field to succeed.

In fact, dedicating all our efforts, time and energy to one goal does not guarantee a 100% chance that we will achieve it. Sometimes we have to take a step away for a while.

We need to get other perspectives and think in a less linear and more creative way. In a way that is flexible, patient and original.

And there is something as important as we can not forget. Sometimes the most unexpected actions are guided by our subconscious.

When we give our conscious, inflexible, sometimes obsessive and always analytical mind a certain distance, our sixth sense awakens, and whether we believe it or not, it is never wrong.

Take a moment and think about it.

Ben Giles: a boy who thinks in the city

Even if you have stopped seeing, your brain is still receptive

Andrea has a small business that is not doing well at all. She knows that her cake shop is not making enough money, and she has to close it in a few months. She has spent several weeks trying to think of what to do.

Then, amidst all the pressure, anxiety, and sadness that comes with having to close the family business, tears  suddenly begin to fall down her face. She’s exhausted.

But the next morning she gets up with a clear peace. She said this to herself: “It is settled. What has to happen will happen, and I will face what comes. ”

She took a shower with a comfortable calm and the right kind of mental peace. While showering, she received a notification on her phone from one of her social media.

When she picked up the phone, Andrea suddenly got a “bang” of inspiration. She wants to bring her business online, post her shop on social media, and make special pastries and desserts for parties and events.

This is a simple example of how our brain works when we stop pushing it. We see how it becomes even more receptive when we move it out of the fog of fear.

We have explored these magical moments, but stumbled upon another fascinating area: intersectional thinking.

Ben Giles: woman having a magical moment, laughing in her hands,

Intersectional thinking

As humans, we have a certain habit in common. It is trying to anticipate everything that can happen if we do or do not do certain things.

We make spreadsheets in our minds. We add columns, analyze facts, correlate variables, and perform exhaustive, sometimes fatalistic predictions.

Instead of using our very linear and analytical left half of our brain, it will be much more useful for us to apply intersectional thinking. It is characterized by the following possibilities:

  • To be able to make connections between information and stimuli that have nothing to do with each other.
  • A person capable of intersectional thinking is able to find peace in the midst of chaos.
  • In the midst of this balance and peace, a person who uses intersectional thinking can connect to everything around them because they are open, receptive and curious. Because they like to “play” with all the information they take in, test, throw out, invent and transform…

Also, this type of person will not be obsessed with looking for a simple solution to their problems. Most of the time, they will allow themselves to be carried by their environment. And they will accept the unexpected, the random…

In reality, luck is knowing how to see opportunities

To be lucky in life, the right conditions must be there. But for these conditions to appear in front of us, our brain must decide to know how to recognize possibilities where other people only see a closed door.

However, we want to be clear on one thing. Luck  has nothing to do with magic. Coincidences exist, but much of the time they are “coincidences” brought on by the exceptional and wonderful organ: the brain.

It is one we should trust much more. Only when we free our minds from anxiety, limiting attitudes, fears and obsessions will our whole brain expand and change. It starts working at 100%.

This will leave us receptive. And this gives us the opportunity to listen to the internal wise voice that often leads to true possibilities.

So let’s not just focus obsessively on looking for the specific thing we want. Let’s learn to be more receptive, to see the bigger picture.

Ben Giles: Woman experiences that things come when you stop looking

Photos: Ben Giles

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