You Get Happier By Daring To Fool Yourself Out

Many people are afraid of fooling around. If you are laughed at, you do not laugh, but are ashamed instead.
You become happier by daring to fool yourself

Stupidity is what scares people the most who take themselves too seriously. Yes, not making mistakes or not showing weakness can help our image, especially in a critical situation. But if we dare to fool ourselves, even in such situations, it is not the end of the world.

Feeling ridiculous is something beyond simple embarrassment. Mistakes, mistakes or defeats are usually disliked. However, the person who feels stupid only hears others laughing at them, and it is precisely that mockery that makes them more embarrassed. Thus, they are in a situation that can cause unrest or tension.

What makes something ridiculous is its disproportion or that it is inappropriate. Therefore, it is very easy to fool oneself into formal situations. These usually set some strict protocols, which make it easy to cross boundaries. Despite this, feeling ridiculous is something no one can escape from. We have all experienced it at least once.

Clowns and fooling around

Clowns are characters who make stupidity a part of their comic material. Clowns represent everything that is considered ridiculous. They dress in a bizarre way, with a flamboyant suit. In addition, they wear giant shoes, red noses and absurd makeup.

A clown woman with a megaphone

Most of a clown’s routine consists of stumbling and falling. What’s so funny about the audience is that the clowns are always victims of their own distraction. They are focused on one thing, and then something makes them stumble and fall.

A good clown show is filled with misunderstandings. They eat a piece of cardboard because they think it’s cake. Or kiss something awful while they think they are kissing a beautiful woman. Or they fail to complete a mission because they cannot follow the instructions properly. The clown world is full of stupidity, but also full of innocent laughter.

Laugh at yourself

In reality, you only fool yourself when you make a mistake and take it too seriously. For example, if someone can not dance but pretends to be, they fool around and it makes everyone laugh at them. On the other hand, if they accept that they can not dance and have fun within their own boundaries, it becomes more charming.

So what is the difference between one situation and another? One word: self-esteem. Someone with good self-esteem is always able to laugh at themselves because they accept themselves. They also tolerate their own mistakes. If a person is insecure, it can hurt them deeply if they are made fun of.

The big mistake is to think that we only deserve love when we succeed, when we do not make mistakes, or when we do not say something inappropriate. However, it is not a true self-esteem, but a false self-esteem.

A woman makes fun of herself

Make fun of yourself

We all have different sides or clumsy behavior. It is completely natural. It only takes a distraction or a little misunderstanding to start making mistakes. In these situations, there is only one antidote: to be genuine and humble.

We cannot expect to do the right thing in all situations. What we can do is work to be proud of ourselves, to build a positive self-image. We must accept our strengths, weaknesses, defeats and successes. In this way we will stop hiding, pretend, or just show the “good” side of ourselves.

We can get used to being stupid. Make silly grimaces in front of the mirror or go out without dressing up too much. Wear unconventional clothing to attract attention or shock people. You realize that you are still yourself, and you will be able to laugh at yourself with everyone else.

The most important thing is that when you allow yourself to be playful now and then without letting it affect you, you will feel happier and much more relaxed.

There is nothing that gives the feeling of fulfillment like being spontaneous. Nothing makes us safer than freeing ourselves from worrying about what people think of us.

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